Monday, July 14, 2008

Thou shalt not covet...

Well, IT and my marriage have finally collided.

I was prepared to face the reality that I might very well be replaced in that special spot in my husband’s heart by a slim, sophisticated, dark beauty. I knew where he was going at 4:30AM as he quietly snuck out of our bedroom last Friday. Sadly, I’ve contributed to his indiscretion by agreeing to explore other options, experimenting – if you will – with other ways of doing it. I always assumed it was a phase – that he’d eventually grow tired of the “newness” and come back to what he knows. I never imagined that I, too, would find myself wanting to experiment; fantasizing about having my own slim, sophisticated, dark beauty. I must tell you, I’m not really the type. I’m pretty comfortable with what I’ve got. I feel so guilty. I never wanted this to happen. I didn’t really want more. Until now.

Now, I want an iPhone.

I spent the weekend stealing glances at my husband’s 16gb, black iPhone 3G and I have to admit it is cool and functional. Everything my phone is NOT. Once I got over my Jetson-esque response to only having a single navigational button, the interface is great. Simple, fast and stable. My biggest complaint about PDA/cell phone combinations is the fact that sometimes the most rudimentary features can take forever – case in point: try making a phone call on a Smart Phone with a bagillion applications loaded. Try finding your calendar screen on your Windows Mobile device if you have 10 other windows open. I know – whah, whah, whah – but hey, I tried to dial 911 once and had to wait for a reboot. I don’t get the sense that this is the case with iPhone 3G.

And now that my last excuse, the fact that it will use ActiveSync to access all my corporate email, calendar and contact entries, is history – I have no defenses left.

Well, actually, there is one – a year and a half left on my Verizon contract. By then, the object of my desire will be relatively old and slow again. Maybe I can get in line at AT&T now, to be ahead of my husband for the next release.

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